
William, a research scientist from Denver who was overwhelmed when Taylor Hearing Center adjusted his hearing aids.

“If I were to bumper sticker my entire experience with Greg into a single word, it would be easy and a pleasure to do…INTEGRITY!”

Dr. Kane

Richard, a retired Denver police officer suffered significant hearing loss from his work as an officer of the law

“Without my hearing instruments from Taylor Hearing Center, I would not be able to function at all.”

Carol – Experiencing mild hearing loss

“My hearing instruments have returned my hearing to a level of ease and confidence that I greatly appreciate.”

George – Born with 65% hearing loss

“In 1999 at age 53, I first consulted with Greg Hall to see if hearing aids could help me. Greg fitted me and followed up until my hearing was about perfect. It changed my life so dramatically that I went back to college and made the highest grades in my class. I purchased my third pair in May, 2009, and they are better than ever. Greg’s perfection and kindness are what has made the difference to me.”

…thanks from George‘s wife, Anne

“The difference Greg made in George’s life is immense – as well as the difference in the lives of George’s family and friends. Every time George recommends Greg to his friends he emphasizes how rewarding it is to work with him. Because hearing aids are custom programmed instruments, they normally require several appointments for adjustments to provide the best sound. Greg is always willing to recheck the settings and program them to optimize George’s hearing experience.”